Below is the preview of Alane's new kit called
On This 4th of July
This kit can be purchased for the price of $5.00
Papers created at 3600x3600
Both elements and papers created at 300 dpi
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please click on the paypal button below the preview.
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Mahalo Nui Loa (Thank You Very Much)
Kit Includes... (Not All Elements and Papers Shown In Preview)
Papers created at 3600x3600
Both elements and papers created at 300 dpi
On This 4th of July is such a patriotic kit!
This kit is such a pretty and fun kit perfect for all your 4th of July memories.
Loaded with lots of fun elements and papers, not all papers and elements are shown.
You can do so much with this kit.
This kit is about 192 MB in size
©Artwork by Digi Web Studio
22 Papers (19 Unique Designs)
1 Little Boy with Flag
1 Little Girl With Flag
1 Little Boy With Kite
1 Little Girl With Kite
1 Little Boy In Air Balloon
1 Little Girl In Air Balloon
1 Kite
2 USA Star (All unique designs)
4 Balloons (All unique designs)
2 Party Hats (All unique designs)
4 Party Deco's (All unique designs 3 party banners, 1 star deco)
5 Cupcakes (3 unique designs)
1 Cake
1 Butterfly
1 Flag Pole
2 Frames
12 Bows (3 Unique Designs)
13 Star Deco's (8 Unique Designs)
9 Glitter Doodles (3 Unique Designs)
4 Fireworks (2 Unique Designs)
5 Fireworks Display (2 Unique Designs)
8 Wordarts (7 Unique Designs)